Slipping standards
I really try not to rant in this blog, it does no good really.
Last year I wrote about a decision I had to make about extending PodcastUtilities to support dates that did not follow the defined standard. It makes me sad when we cannot follow standards.
I was surprised at work when a colleague queries my pull request in which I did not escape a single quote char in an android resource file. The XML file looked like this
<string name="display_message">Your client's files</string>
Now I know that the XML standard does not need to have single quotes escaped in the text content of elements. A more plain English version is here.
It turns out that he was right, when I looked up the Android developer’s documentation. The results of not escaping single quotes is unpredictable at best. It would appear that the XML spec required elements of “"” is not mentioned and also the “<” which is invalid can be used. I needed to correct my pull request to
<string name="display_message">Your client\'s files</string>
So in summary Android string resource files have an XML extension and have a passing resemblance to XML but in fact are not XML and I cannot find formal specification for them.