Now my blog is hosted on Github Pages using Jekyll I found that I need to make some additions to the default template. I used the default template as it has a pretty well structured set of includes meaning that I can add my own widgets pretty easily.

The last main piece that I wanted to add from my previous blog was navigation controls. I wanted a timeline of blog posts as well as navigation by categories.

The common mechanism for doing this is to use a Jekyll plugin. However I am hosted on Github Pages and this environment only supports a whitelist group of plugins.

The timeline navigation on the home page proved to be quite easy, in the sense that I found this great example that Sebastian Teumert has produced. Its not only a great widget but it he also produces a tool kit and although I dont use the tool kit the way he explained how he wrote the widget really helped me get going writing my own Liquid template widget.

I ended up pretty much using it “as is”, with the exception of having to tweak the urls for my blog. On the home page I just provide an indented list of years and months, for each month that has a post. The links point through to the archive page.

{% comment %}
	Posting time line.
	Author: Sebastian Teumert (<>, <>)
	Licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE file).
	This widget displays a time line with month in which posts were written, grouped by year.	
	For more Jekyll widgets, see <>.
{% endcomment %}	
		<ul class="postList archive">
		{% for post in site.posts %}
			{% if %}		
					{% capture year %}{{ | date: '%Y' }}{% endcapture %}
					{% capture nyear %}{{ | date: '%Y' }}{% endcapture %}
					{% capture month %}{{ | date: '%B' }}{% endcapture %}
					{% capture nmonth %}{{ | date: '%B' }}{% endcapture %}
			{% endif %}
			{% if forloop.first %}				
					<!-- year -->
					<li><a href="/blog/archive.html#{{ | date: '%Y' }}">{{ | date: '%Y' }}</a>				
							<!-- month -->
							<li><a href="/blog/archive.html#{{ | date: '%Y-%B' }}">{{ | date: '%B' }}</a>							
			{% else %}
				<!-- all other posts -->								
					{% if year != nyear %}	
							<!-- /month -->	
					<!-- /year -->
					<!-- year -->
					<li><a href="/blog/archive.html#{{ | date: '%Y' }}">{{ | date: '%Y' }}</a>				
							<!-- month -->
							<li><a href="/blog/archive.html#{{ | date: '%Y-%B' }}">{{ | date: '%B' }}</a>							
					{% elsif month != nmonth %}
							<!-- /month -->	
							<!-- month -->
							<li><a href="/blog/archive.html#{{ | date: '%Y-%B' }}">{{ | date: '%B' }}</a>							
					{% endif %}					
		   {% endif %}	
		   {% comment %}<li><a href="/{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>	{% endcomment %}
		   {% if forloop.last %}
							<!-- /month -->	
					<!-- /year -->		
		   {% endif %}		   		   		
		{% endfor %}														

The archive page is very similar, except that inside each month I list all the blog titles and the links go to the post.

layout: page
title: Archive
		<ul class="postList archive">
		{% for post in site.posts %}
			{% if %}		
					{% capture year %}{{ | date: '%Y' }}{% endcapture %}
					{% capture nyear %}{{ | date: '%Y' }}{% endcapture %}
					{% capture month %}{{ | date: '%B' }}{% endcapture %}
					{% capture nmonth %}{{ | date: '%B' }}{% endcapture %}
			{% endif %}
			{% if forloop.first %}				
					<!-- year -->
					<li class="box"><h3 id="{{ | date: '%Y' }}">{{ | date: '%Y' }}</h3>			
							<!-- month -->
							<li><h4 id="{{ | date: '%Y-%B' }}">{{ | date: '%B' }}</h4>				
			{% else %}
				<!-- all other posts -->								
					{% if year != nyear %}	
							<!-- /month -->	
					<!-- /year -->
					<!-- year -->
					<li class="box"><h3 id="{{ | date: '%Y' }}">{{ | date: '%Y' }}</h3>		
							<!-- month -->
							<li><h4 id="{{ | date: '%Y-%B' }}">{{ | date: '%B' }}</h4>						
					{% elsif month != nmonth %}
							<!-- /month -->	
							<!-- month -->
							<li><h4 id="{{ | date: '%Y-%B' }}">{{ | date: '%B' }}</h4>						
					{% endif %}					
		   {% endif %}	
		   <li><a href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
		   {% if forloop.last %}
							<!-- /month -->	
					<!-- /year -->		
		   {% endif %}		   		   		
		{% endfor %}														

The category navigation on the home page was a little more complex. I did also manage to find another example. However it didn’t do quite what I wanted so I ended up rewriting it to be what I wanted. This was mainly around unifying the case of the categories so that I could sort them as I wanted to display the categories in alphabetical order.

This widget give a navigation list with the number of items in that category, the links point through to the actual category page.

        <ul class="tag-box inline">
            {% assign tags_list = site.categories | sort {|left, right| left[0] <=> right[0]} %}
            {% if tags_list.first[0] == null %}
                {% for tag in tags_list %} 
                <li><a href="categories#{{ tag }}">{{ tag | capitalize }}</a> <span>({{ site.tags[tag].size }})</span></li>
                {% endfor %}
            {% else %}
                {% for tag in tags_list %} 
                <li><a href="categories#{{ tag[0] }}">{{ tag[0] | capitalize }}</a> <span>({{ tag[1].size }})</span></li>
                {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
            {% assign tags_list = nil %}

Then the actual category page looks like this, it repeats the navigator and then the rest of the page groups links to each post under each category.

layout: page
title: Categories
<section id="archive">
        <h3>All posts by category</h3>
        <ul class="tag-box inline">
            {% assign tags_list = site.categories | sort {|left, right| left[0] <=> right[0]} %}
            {% if tags_list.first[0] == null %}
                {% for tag in tags_list %} 
                <li><a href="#{{ tag }}"><strong>{{ tag | capitalize }}</strong></a> <span>({{ site.tags[tag].size }})</span></li>
                {% endfor %}
            {% else %}
                {% for tag in tags_list %} 
                <li><a href="#{{ tag[0] }}"><strong>{{ tag[0] | capitalize }}</strong></a> <span>({{ tag[1].size }})</span></li>
                {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
            {% for tag in tags_list %} 
            <h4 id="{{ tag[0] }}">{{ tag[0] | capitalize }}</h4>
            <ul class="">
                {% assign pages_list = tag[1] %}  
                    {% for post in pages_list %}
                    {% if post.title != null %}
                        {% if group == null or group == %}
                        <li><a href="{{ post.url }}"><strong>{{ post.title }}</strong><span class="entry-date"></a><time datetime="{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}" itemprop="datePublished"> - {{ | date: "%B %d, %Y" }}</time></li>
                        {% endif %}
                    {% endif %}
                    {% endfor %}
                {% assign pages_list = nil %}
                {% assign group = nil %}
            {% endfor %}