This month I have released PassTheParcel. PassTheParcel is a simple, quick and easy to use app to play music for “Pass The Parcel” or “Musical Chair” type games.


Its designed to do a simple task

  • Select a music media file from your device’s storage
  • Optionally select the minimum and maximum length of time to play the music each time the Start button is pressed.
  • Start the music - it will automatically stop after a random number of seconds between the limits
  • After the music is stopped press start again to play the next section


  • You can select any music media stored on your device
  • As it randomly stops the person using the app can join in the game
  • You can take as long as you want to unwrap the parcel as the music will not start again until the start button is pressed
  • There are no adverts

PassTheParcel is available on Gooogle Play, it can be side-loaded from the Bitbucket repo, as well as installed from the Amazon Appstore.

The source code is in Bitbucket.