BOBS AGM Meeting

Date Sat 20th November 1999
Venue DW,SS house
Absent RC,PG,AD



SS went over minutes of last meeting including statement of future policy of BOBs trips involving attendance of members at BOBs events. (NB For those people who would like a written remeinder please contact the author)

All minutes were confirmed as an accurate reflection of the previous meeting

Financial Report

ER went over the accounts

There is currently �610 in the BOBs account of which five members are owed �72 each in compensation for the none attendanace at France

Cheques were written to AD, SL, IL, PG and RC. These are to be posted out to none attendees with minutes by the secretary.

Therefore after the cheques clear BOBs account will be left with �250

Financial projection for the spring will be for there to be �730 in the account at the time of the next proopsed Spring BOBs trip.

This ended the Financial report

Proposed future trips

CL raised the issue of whether both CL and AD should be invited to share the next BOBs trip. BOBs suggested that SS(Chairman) should talk to AD about how he felt about CL being at the same event. If no objection from AD, CL would be invited. If AD cannot make it then CL would be automatically invited

Proposals for the spring trip were

The clear favourite of the attending members was the barge trip.

None of the none- attending members proxyed their vote so if you have a strong opinion please could you inform me within the next seven days(in accordance with BOBs constitution) for your vote to count

The date for the spring BOBs break will be the 6/7th May 2000. Joining the boat on the Friday night SW to organize

Autumn Events

Proposed tips for the Autumn were put forward as

Please could none attending BOBs members indicate where their vote would be as this trip will not start to be organized until the Spring

The current first choice is Southern Ireland The proposed trip would be for the week of 9th September 2000


A new set of shuttleocks needs to be bought

Badminton is still to be organized fortnightly, though to be reviewed at the spring BOBs meeting

Christmas meal with cards afternoon to be arranged for 19th December 1999. Lunch contribution of �5 per person would help for Steph and Derek not to pick up all the costs of feeding 12 people! Please contact Steph directly

Rosie and Paul Gray Rick and Kim Alistair additional invite for Thomas and Jo Thomas and jo will be first reserves to be invited to barge trip in spring, after all BOBs members have responded to SW

Spring meeeting agenda to include

Meeting closed at 17:20